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Corporate Information
Company Profile and LocationMessage from the CEO & COOManagement PhilosophyAffiliated CompaniesCompany historyOrganization Chart Company Profile and Location
Company name PHONON MEIWA INC.
Head office 965, Anada-cho, Seto-city, Aichi, JAPAN
Foundation January 1894
Capital JPY306 million (as of Mar 31 2023)
Representative Director Tomoki Tani, Chairman & CEO
Employees 147 (total group: 895) (as of Mar 31 2024)
Products Ferrite or ceramic cores for Inductors, Ceramic Substrates,
Ceramic Rods, etc.


Head office , Seto Plant,
Research Institute
965, Anada-cho, Seto-city, Aichi,
489-0003 JAPAN

Sales and Business Control Group
Phone +81-561-48-5012
Fax +81-561-48-5058
Administrative Group
Phone +81-561-48-5011
Fax +81-561-48-5015
FC Manufacturing Group
Quality Assurance Group
Phone +81-561-48-5101
Fax +81-561-48-4758
Research and Development Group
Phone +81-561-48-5011
Fax +81-561-48-5376

Niigata Plant
1200-1, Kyogase Industrial Park, Agano-city, Niigata, 959-2136 JAPAN

CD Manufacturing Group
Quality Assurance Group

Phone +81-250-67-9551
Fax +81-250-67-9560
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