Certificate Number :JQA-EM3805
ISO14001 :2015 / JIS Q 14001 :2015
Registration Date: March 5, 2004
Last Renewal Date : September 5, 2024
Expiry Date : September 4, 2027
Scope of Registration:
The Design / Development and Manufacture of Ceramic Elements, Compound
Soft Magnetic Elements and Metal Film Elements for Electronic Devices.
JQA-EM3805 |
Associated Organization:
・Seto Plant / Laboratory
965, Anada-cho, Seto-city, Aichi, JAPAN
[Scope of Activity: Same as Above] .
・Niigata Plant
1200-1, Kyougase Industrial Park, Agano-city, Niigata, JAPAN
[Scope of Activity: The Manufacture of Ceramic Elements And
Metal Film
Elements for Electronic Devices].
Environmental Policy |
We regard “environmental issues on earth” concerning with human survival
as one of our most crucial management issues. We strive to improve our
EQ management system continuously for environmental issues and we contribute
to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities.
Action Guidelines |
- We contribute to our environment and prevent global warming with focuses
on “production of environmental-friendly products”, “reduction of energy
consumption”, and “reduction and recycling of waste” in all our business
activities, which are the design, development, and production of ceramics
and their composite products.
- In order to comply with this environmental policies, we promote the continuous
maintenance and improvement of environmental performance by the recognition
of environmental aspects of our business activities and products, as well
as implementation of pollution preventative measures and environmental
protection activities.
- We comply with laws, regulations, along with other requirements concerning
with our environment.
- In the operation of our EQ management system, we set EQ targets and regularly
review the system so as to ensure it is appropriate.
- In the operation of our EQ management system, this environmental policy
and all related requirements are to be documented and well maintained.
- We ensure all our associates are aware of this environmental policy. We
also provide appropriate education and training for the proper implementation
of our business activities.
- This environmental policy is disclosed in response to external requests.
Tomoki Tani, Chairman & CEO
23th. Feb, 2024
Phonon Meiwa Inc. |